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Beef Cattle Production and Lifecycle

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Beef Cattle Production and Lifecycle

The journey of beef cattle from birth to plate can be complex.  这是由于动物在其生命周期中不断变化的需求.  因为这些不断变化的需求,也取决于动物处于生命周期的哪个阶段, 它将被转移到专门从事生产系统不同阶段的农场.  养牛业的农民和牧场主组成了一个农场社区,他们始终如一地提供人道主义, 在牛的整个生命周期中提供安全和环境可持续的护理.  其结果是一个安全,美味和营养的食品,全家人都可以享受.

Beef Cattle Production System

肉牛生产体系可分为三大类.  肉牛将根据其生命周期的不同阶段在系统中移动. 


  1. 生产供进一步喂养/放牧的饲养小牛的牛-小牛段.
  2. 生产的背景或储存阶段增加了刚断奶的小牛的体重, resulting in yearlings that are feedlot ready.
  3. 生产的育肥阶段是牛被喂养直到达到市场重量的阶段.


The Beef Cattle Lifecycle

肉牛生产系统可分为三类.  However, the lifecycle of beef cattle is a bit more expansive.  并不是所有的牛都是通过各个阶段来饲养的,最终目标是为市场做好准备.  肉牛的饲养是为了在系统中扮演不同的角色,以帮助维持这个行业.

Cow/Calf Stage


它开始于母牛在怀孕285天后产下小母牛(雌性)或公牛犊(雄性).  Note-A cow can give birth to twins.  当一头是公牛小牛,另一头是小母牛小牛时,雌性很可能无法生育.  The infertile female is called a freemartin. 

小牛在6到9个月大的时候断奶,体重在500到700磅之间.  During the weaning period they continue to graze on pasture.

小母牛可以进入牛肉生产周期,也可以作为育种系统的一部分留在农场.  在这种情况下,小母牛被饲养并准备第二年繁殖.

公牛小牛可以作为阉牛进入牛肉生产周期,也可以作为公牛饲养以备将来繁殖.  The bull calf is raised and when of age, 公牛可以自然繁殖,也可以为人工授精提供精液.

Backgrounding or Stocker Stage

断奶后,牛被送到农场和/或牧场作为背景或牲畜.  This stage of the lifecycle consists of continued grazing, 补充饲料、维生素和矿物质,以确保满足最佳生长所需的营养需求. 

Finishing Stage

当牛准备完工时,它们可能被送到饲养场,也可能留在农场. 牛将花大约四到六个月的时间从由粗饲料组成的均衡饮食中喂养, grain and other renewable feed sources. Some cattle are finished on grain and some on grass. Learn more about grain-finished and grass-finished beef. 养牛人与兽医密切合作,提供适当和个性化的护理. 

当牛达到市场重量(通常为1200至1300磅)时,就可以上市了。.  Market weight is met approximately 14-15 months of age.  Once weight is met, they are sent to the packing plant.  包装工厂也被称为加工设施,由美国农业部(USDA)全面监控。.  美国农业部在所有接受联邦政府检查的包装厂都派驻了检查员.  检查员监督整个过程的各个方面,包括安全, animal welfare and quality standards.  从动物到达到产品运输的整个过程都受到监控. 

牛肉产品被运往美国各地和国外,以满足食品杂货供应商的需求, retail establishments and restaurants.  食品体育彩票正规app下载和零售阶段的工作是为消费者提供这种健康和营养的产品.

Beef Cattle Industry Terminology


Artificial Insemination (A.I.) -人工将精液注入母牛的生殖道使母牛受孕的过程.

Average Daily Gain (ADG) -断奶后增重计算,以增重除以饲喂日数计算.

Backgrounder -已断奶,正在生长成熟,直至达到育肥场要求的牛.

Bred - Applies to the female definitely safe in calf, or pregnant; also used to refer to the mating process.

Bull - Uncastrated male cattle of any age.

Calf or calves - Young cattle of either sex less than one year of age.

Calving - Giving birth, also called “dropping a calf” or parturition.

Castrate - to remove the testes of male cattle.

Crossbred -有纯种父母或不同品种父母的动物.

Cow - Female cattle that have had one or more calves.

Feeder calf -成熟到足以作为背景或进入育肥阶段的阉牛或小母牛.

Finish - The degree of fatness

Finishing – The stage where cattle are fed and prepared for harvest. 

Freemartin - The female member of unlike twins in cattle, showing many male characteristics and incapable of production.

Heat - The recurrent period of sexual receptiveness in mature cows, when the cow will stand for the bull to breed her; estrus.

Heifer - Female cattle that have not had a calf.

Open - Refers to the non-pregnant female.

Polled - Cattle that are born without horns.

Purebred -父母为同一品种并已在登记协会登记的肉用动物.

Service - The act or ability to breed.

Steer -在性征尚未发育之前就被阉割的雄牛.

Stocker - 6至9个月大、体重在400至700磅之间的断奶牛.

Supplement -营养添加剂,用于弥补饮食中的不足,如盐、矿物质、蛋白质.

Weanling – Cattle that have just weaned from their mother’s milk.


Sources: University of Arkansas Extension,,,

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